Happy Tuesday!!!! #GES Important Information posted below. #GES #Gr8Day2BaPirate
We hope to see you at Open House Thursday, 5:00-7:00! Each cafeteria will serve hotdogs and samples of items from school menus. All who complete a meal application before Thursday will be entered into a drawing for various prizes. Meal application link - https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx?cid=OWZkNDYxODQtMzhhNy00YzZiLWJmMGQtZTljMWI4NzZkYzBj
Update student information here with the snapcode emailed to you - https://registration.powerschool.com/family/message?code=actionprivate
Email hcheevers@greenlandsd.com if you need help with your snapcode.
The first day of school is right around the corner! If you have a new or current student, follow this link for registration instructions - https://www.greenlandsd.com/page/enrollment
We need your meal applications! If you haven't completed a meal app for this school year, please do so via the following link - https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx?cid=OWZkNDYxODQtMzhhNy00YzZiLWJmMGQtZTljMWI4NzZkYzBj
See you at Open House!
#GES Happy Tuesday!!! Parents will receive a text tomorrow (8/2/23) @ 12 telling you who your student's teacher will be for the 23-24 school year. If you do not receive a text by tomorrow afternoon please contact the GES office @ 479-521-2366 and Dial 2.
#GES #gr8day2bapirate
#Gr8Day2BaPirate #PiratePride
Tomorrow @ 11:00! #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Some of our teachers participating in an externship at Assemblage in Huntsville. Teacher externships offer professional development opportunities for teachers to update their understanding of the skills needed for specific careers. #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Tomorrow, 7/28, will be the LAST SnaxxPack pick up for the summer. Pick up starts at 11:30 at GES! See you then!
All-Sports Meeting at 6:00. 7th-12th grades. See you tonight! If you need any enrollment assistance, please stop by the gym lobby for help from 4:30-7:00. #Gr8Day2BaPirate #PirateNation
Happy Wednesday!!! A friendly reminder about K-4 Car Rider Dismissal and Pre-K Dismissal procedures. #GES #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Do you have our app? We use the Greenland Schools app to communicate via the live feed and Rooms. Rooms offers direct communication with your child's teachers. As easy as texting! Rooms invites will be sent to new families soon. Below are some pointers on how to set up notifications.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/2YuEmbi
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3BpF63r
Meet and Greet with Mr. McCool this morning! #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Events this week - we can't wait to see you on campus! Please update your student's information via PowerSchool. https://www.greenlandsd.com/page/enrollment If you did not receive a snapcode, check spam and/or email hcheevers@greenlandsd.com for your code. Keep the meal apps rolling in - we have an opportunity to secure free meals for all students, but we need those apps! https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx?cid=OWZkNDYxODQtMzhhNy00YzZiLWJmMGQtZTljMWI4NzZkYzBj #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Please join us Monday, July 24th, at 9:00 in the high school band room. We will be hosting a meet and greet with Matt McCool. #Gr8Day2BaPirate #PiratePride
Happy Thursday #GES!!! WE are so so EXCITED about the start of school!!! Please be sure to check our social media platforms, website, and app regularly as I will begin posting friendly reminders about important information, protocols, and procedures that pertain to #GES. Posted below are important dates to keep in mind and a friendly reminder about morning drop off procedures for both Pre-K and K-4. #GES #Gr8Day2BaPirate
#Gr8Day2BaPirate #PiratePride
We will be available to help with beginning of the year paperwork Thursday, the 20th, in the middle school 2:30-7:00. Come in via the east door across from the endzone. Offices are open Monday-Friday 8:30-2:30 and Friday 7:30-11:30. https://www.greenlandsd.com/page/enrollment #Gr8Day2BaPirate
All current/returning and new students - follow this link to register for the upcoming school year https://www.greenlandsd.com/page/enrollment Please complete all steps before open house to avoid a delay in receiving schedules. If you are unable to complete the forms, we can help. Stop by any office Monday-Thursday 8:30-2:30, Friday 7:30-11:30 or this Thursday 2:30-7:00 in the middle school (east door across from the end zone) Meal apps are very important - we need everyone to help with the opportunity to secure all students eating free breakfast and lunch for the next four years. Let's do this!! #Gr8Day2BaPirate