Upcoming dates and game information! #Gr8Day2BaPirate #PiratePride
#GMS Weekly Newsletter and Lunch Menu
Pirate Nation,
With high temperatures forecast this week, we are following protocol and taking precautions for all outdoor activities (practices, recess, etc) and events. Any changes to event times will be posted as those decisions are made.
Meet the Pirates!! 3rd-12th grades, what a picture! #Gr8Day2BaPirate #PiratePride
#Gr8Day2BaPirate #PiratePride
Family Night! Plan to join us September 11th for a night of games, food, and books! #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Mrs. Henderson's second grade class practicing teamwork and The Crayon Box That Talked activities. #Gr8Day2BaPirate
GHS Newsletter - check out The Pirate Chronicle here -
Senior sunrise and the senior girls getting together to paint jeans to wear the first day of school! Making memories! #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Happy Sunday!!! Just a couple of reminders about aftercare. You will pick your student up at the double doors (under the awning) behind the elementary school. If you are unsure of that location there is a map posted on our school website/social media outlets. Please be sure to have your driver's license ready when signing your student out. Your student will only be allowed to checkout with those you listed on the completed google form. Aftercare ends at 5:30. Whichever day your student starts please remind them that they will be attending aftercare. The cost is 35$ a week or 10$ a day. Payment options and other information will be provided to parents this week.
#GSD Aftercare pickup location is pictured. The double doors located behind GES. Happy Sunday!!! #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Can't wait to see all our little pirates on campus in the morning!
Lunch menus can be found here or on our app under Pirate Cafe https://www.greenlandsd.com/page/pirate-cafe
School calendar here - https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1566/Greenland/3383033/calendar.pdf
Other parent resources here - https://www.greenlandsd.com/o/greenland/page/parent-resources
ATTN #GES Parents: Wondering what is for breakfast or lunch in the #GES cafeteria this month? The menus are attached in this order:
1. GES Breakfast Menu
2. Pre-K Lunch Menu
3. K-4 Lunch Menu
#GSD will be offering AfterCare this year starting Monday, August 14th for Pre-K through 8th grade students from 3:30-5:30 at #GES. More information will be sent out Monday and will be available when you pick your student up that afternoon. This is seperate from Pirate Camp which we are working on being able to offer this year. Please complete the form below if you are interested and/or your student will be attending Monday. I apologize profusely for any confusion or miscommunication on this matter. Gr8Day2BaPirate
Happy Friday!!!! It was absolutely AMAZING seeing everybody yesterday!!! #GES is SUPER EXCITED to welcome our kiddos back on Monday. Attached are a couple of reminders about this school year. #GES #Gr8Day2BaPirate
Happy Thursday!!! #GES is super EXCITED about Open House tonight from 5-7!!! Just a reminder that you will receive a pirate map (pictured) upon entering the building. Be sure to visit the tables in the cafeteria as well as your student's teacher!!! Parents/Guardians will also be able to visit with GES PTO, Girl Scouts, and HIPPY if interested. Any parent who is missing paperwork in Powerschool will be able to utilize the GES computer lab. You will be entered into a drawing if you turn in your completed pirate map when you leave. Please use the front doors when entering the building and exit using the double doors located next to the K-2 playground. #GES #Gr8Day2BaPirate
#GES Just a reminder that Open House is tomorrow from 5-7. You will receive a pirate map (pictured) upon entering the building. Be sure to visit the tables in the cafeteria as well as your student's teacher!!! Parents/Guardians will also be able to visit with GES PTO, Girl Scouts, and HIPPY if interested. Any parent who is missing paperwork in Powerschool will be able to utilize the GES computer lab. You will be entered into a drawing if you turn in your completed pirate map when you leave. Please use the front doors when entering the building and exit using the double doors located next to the K-2 playground. #GES #Gr8Day2BaPirate
#GES Yearbooks are in! Orders will be available for pick up during Open House tomorrow, 8/10 from 5:00-7:00pm. Teachers will have incoming students' orders, former students can pick up in the cafeteria.