New Website! We are excited our new website went live today! Thanks in advance as we transition and share with you the new connective pieces. Don’t delay, start by downloading our Greenland School District app today! You will love the new live feed feature!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
This is the app you need!
We are close to our first days back! We will be post many back to school updates soon! Please keep checking for important updates.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
AAA Update
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
AAA update
The Governor and Secretary Key announced today the delay in the school start date, to August 24th, no later than August 26th. Our Ready for Learning plan has been updated accordingly. We will have transition days for High School on August 24th and Elementery and Middle School on the 25th. All on site and virtual learning will now begin August 26th. We will continue to post information as available. Thank you! We will also be hosting online question and answer sessions soon, so watch for those updates as well! #ALLmeansALL
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Good morning Pirate Nation! Thank you for your recent feedback on our survey. Under the direction and guidance of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Arkansas Department of Heath; we are releasing our plan for anticipated school opening next month. We are sharing the link to our District plan and additional links within. If you have any questions at all please let us know. We will continue to provide updates as we received them. Thank you in advance. Dr. Andrea Martin Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent