Scale work, coding poems, and community work presentation (they’re looking for mulch, pumpkin and white mum donations) #WeDoLearning #WeDoCommunity #GMS
over 4 years ago, Heather Cheevers, Director of Support Services
Math, Math, Math!
Community Work
8th Grade
7th Grade
Thanks for your patience with our livestream. Technical issues have created a delay in streaming. We hope to have corrected soon!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Thanks for your patience while we ensured your safety. Game time is scheduled for 8:10!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Continued lightening delays. Game time projected now well after 8:00 pm. Thanks for your patience. Please stay safe and 6ft distanced.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
The game tonight is in its second lightening delay. Postponed until 7:30. We are clearing the stadium. Fans should remain in their vehicles.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Livestream link for tonight’s game!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Game Day
Gearing up for the game tonight! S/O to Mary and Shelly @ Sunflowers and Sweet T’’s for hooking us up with our vinyl reminders tonight! #WeDoTogether #WeAreGreenland
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Mask Up
Friday night football is hours away! Mask up or walk the plank! We have a limited supply of Pirate masks available at the main gate for $10 each. Correct cash only! They can also be purchased at our Admin office! Go Pirates! 💚💚💚
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Mask up!
It’s Friday y’all! Thanks for a great week 2! We wish all of our staff, students and families a safe and restful three day weekend. Remember no school Monday in observance of the Labor Day holiday! Enjoy today and know that we appreciate all your hard work these past two weeks! #WeDoALL #WeDoLearning #PirateNation
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Friday week 2!
Vectors and dot cards! 5th and 8th math. #WeDoLearning
over 4 years ago, Heather Cheevers, Director of Support Services
8th Grade
5th Grade
TOMMORROW football is BACK 🏈 and we’re going Elk hunting. Wear your green or camo, let’s see your Pirate Pride! 💚🤍
over 4 years ago, Alexandria Lance, Elementary School Counselor
Virtual Learner Lunch pickup service will begin the week of September 8th. Please complete the following form to secure yours today:
over 4 years ago, Jake Hardin, Director of CCR
School Lunch
Please swing by the Dee Lee Gym Saturday, September 5th from 10-12 for fresh free produce. If will be delivered to you curbside. Please see flyer for more information
over 4 years ago, Jake Hardin, Director of CCR
Fresh Produce Pickup
SCHOOL START FORMS: If you have not done so, please complete the required School Start Forms as soon as possible. They are linked below and available on our district website when you click the arrow next to “Parents” then “School Start Forms.” Remember, these replaced the packets we usually send home on the first day of school. If you're experiencing trouble with accessing any of the forms, please call the office at 479-521-2366
over 4 years ago, Alexandria Lance, Elementary School Counselor
Virtual Learner Food Requests should be completed here! Food will need to be picked up daily!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
As you may have recently heard, the USDA and Governor Hutchinson have approved continued feeding under our seemless summer feeding program which means all students age 0-18 eat free through the end of December! We still need all parents to complete the free and reduced meal applications though for future district funding. So good news!!! No more lunch or breakfast payments until next year!!!! 💚
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Greenland vs Elkins tickets on sale now for Home fans! Visitor tickets will go on sale In the morning! Limited capacity. So order now! Mask up! Go Pirates!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Hello September! Please be safe traveling to school. Lots of rain today! Please remember there is no school next Monday in honor of the Labor Day holiday!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Greenland vs Elkins tickets on sale now for Home fans! Visitor tickets will go on sale Wednesday! Limited capacity. So order early! Compliance is a must so please read attached information. Go Pirates!
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Friday Night Guidelines
So beyond excited about the work that was done this weekend as part of an Eagle Scout project! This was so needed and looks amazing. Can’t wait for our students to enjoy it! Way to go Ben! 💚💚💚#WeDoALL
over 4 years ago, Dr. Andrea Martin, Superintendent
Love it 💚
Can’t beat the colors!
Love this!