The Greenland School District is partnering with the Arkansas Department of Health to host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at school on November 30th for ages 5 and up. This is purely optional. If you would like for your child to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, please completely fill out the FERPA form and the COVID-19 immunization consent form (front and back) and return by Friday November 19th.
Greenland Schools Title I Annual Meeting will be held via zoom on Wednesday, November 17th at 4:00 pm. Please join using the link below
Join Zoom Meeting
Greenland Schools: ATTN 11th Grade Parents/Students-11th grade students will be taking the ACT in March. Families have to opt their student in or out. Please let us know your decision by filling out the corresponding form.
OPT IN form-
OPT OUT from-
10th and 12th grade students will be participating in the Arkansas Prevention Needs Assessment Student Survey on Tuesday, November 30th. Students will be given a parent letter explaining the survey in more detail this week. You can opt your student out by signing and sending back to school the bottom portion of the letter.
It's that time of year! If you would like to sponsor a Pirate Angel this year from the Pirate Angel Tree 2021, please see the link below:
Happy Monday!!! GHS announcements are attached.
Greenland Middle School will have a book fair next week. Students may purchase book during lunch and the book fair will be located on the stage in the cafeteria.
Thank you to all who served and currently serving. Forever grateful for your service!
Reminder Veterans GSD is honoring you with a drive-through luncheon today from 11:45-12:30 in front of the Dee Lee Gym. Please swing by and get lunch. See flyer for more details. THANK YOU for your service!!!! We APPRECIATE YOU!!!
Shout out to Dillen Hinklin - the Farm Bureau Player of the Week. Super job Dillen!
Congratulations to Tucker Meadors. Tucker was named the Shelter Insurance Player of the Week. Way to go Tucker!
Correction-Lady Pirates play @ 6:00 today @ West Fork and not at 6:30. #GHS
Happy Monday!!!! GHS announcements for the week are attached!! #GHS
GSD is celebrating our Veterans!!! Veterans Day Drive-Through Luncheon Thursday, November 11th from 11:45-12:30 in front of the Dee Lee Gym . Please see attached flyer for more details.
Pediatric COVID Vaccines are now available at the Washington County Health department as a walk in service this week from 8-4:30. Also hosting a clinic on Saturday Nov. 6 from 8-noon. Nov 8-10 they will have extended hours until 6. Again Washington County Health department.
Our annual Thanksgiving food drive will start Nov. 8 and go through Nov. 17. We will take donated non perishable items and or money donation. Let’s go PirateNation “WeDoTogether”!!
GM PirateNation!! Pee Wee BB sign-ups are underway. Please fill out forms ASAP. We are in need of coaches, 3 ,4 5 grade girls and 4 ,6 boys. Let me know if interested, have a great day baaabbyyyy!!!
The district was placed on secure this morning while investigation occurred regarding what sounded like a gunshot behind campus and it was cleared following knowledge that it was action taken by Drake Field. Thank you.
The Haunted Trail, put on by the GHS Drama/Jam Band Club, that was rescheduled for this weekend has been canceled due to the weather forecast and will not be rescheduled.
Congratulations to JJ Hollingsworth, Shelter Insurance player of the week!