As you may already know, we will not be allowed to provide free meals to all students next year. However, the Greenland School District has worked out a plan, with approval from the state so that ALL STUDENTS WILL EAT BREAKFAST FOR FREE. We will be charging the minimum price we are allowed for a full price meal at $2.75 for elementary and $2.85 for middle school and high school. Lunch will be $0.40 if your family qualifies for reduced price meals and lunch will cost $0 if your family qualifies for free meals.
With that being said, we need your help! We need EVERY HOUSEHOLD to complete and submit a free and reduced lunch form this year, even if you think that you will not qualify for free or reduced meal prices. You can apply online at the following link
We only need one form completed for each household. The information gathered will allow us to qualify for other funds to better the education that we can provide all students. A majority of school funding is based on this data. Again, we need everyone to fill out this form, even if you do not think you will qualify.
GIVEAWAY…….All families who complete applications by September 2nd will be eligible for random prize drawings! Prizes include $100 gas cards, Athletic Passes, Gift Cards, School Spiritwear, and much more.
GHS Open House Monday Aug 8th from 5-7:30. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and kicking off a great school year!! #Gr8Day2BeAPirate #ALLmeansALL
Don't forget about Open House on Monday, August 8th from 5:00-7:30 PM!!! GES is EXCITED to welcome everybody back!! We hope to see you there!!!! #Gr8Day2BaPirate #GES
“It’s the little things…” OUR staff is working hard this summer and we are paying attention to every detail because our students and families are worth it! What a difference soap and water makes!!!! Can you see the difference?! 💚
Looking for a great team to be a part of? A job with flexible hours that matches your school aged child/children? Join the Pirate Nation! Check out this job posting!
Welcome to our new High School Social Studies teacher and Football coach Nicholas Rowe! We are so excited to have you here in Pirate Nation! #Gr8Day2BeAPirate
Pirate Nation, Check out this opportunity for free health screenings during Open House, August 8th! UAMS will be onsite in the Pirate PD room located in the middle school. (see map) Thankful for our partnership with UAMS to serve the community! Stay tuned for some additional information for all the dad's!
Incredible event this morning and thankful to our amazing volunteers and Altrusa for sponsoring today on campus! If you missed the event, the Greenland Schools are still providing school supplies for all students. We are thankful for all those families we served today! #Gr8Day2BeAPirate
Hey Pirate Nation, Tomorrow is the day! We will host a drive thru event with all sorts of goodies. Backpacks, supplies, books, hygiene products, and more will be handed out to all school-age children present while supplies last. The event begins at 9:00. Please enter campus via the stoplight and follow the route as we expect high traffic for this event. Thanks to Altrusa International for their partnership. #It'saGr8Day2BaPirate
Don’t forget ALL sports parent meeting for athletes participating in any sports grades 7-12, tomorrow evening, 6 pm in the Dee Lee Gymnasium.
Our food service crew is needing a new member! Are you looking for a great position and on your child's school schedule? Here is a great opportunity!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Open House! Please make plans to meet all of our staff and check out all the renovations. See you August 8th! Also, the District will provide school supplies for the upcoming school year. #WeDoCommunity #WeDoALL
UCA Trip for Senior Students
Hey Pirate Nation,
Save the date ~ Saturday, July 30th !! We will host a drive thru event with all sorts of goodies. Backpacks, supplies, books, hygiene products, and more will be handed out to all school-age children present while supplies last. Please follow the route below as we expect high traffic for this event. Thanks to Altrusa International for their partnership. #WeServe
Greenland Elementary is anticipating an opening in upper Elementary, if you are certified or know someone that is....apply here:
The Greenland School District is seeking applicants to substitute in our schools for the 2022-2023 school year! We will be hiring substitutes through the District office and no longer outsourcing the hiring of substitutes. If you're looking for a flexible schedule and competitive pay, sign up here!
Good Afternoon, remind PirateNation “Essential Outreach” tomorrow at our new location “Middle School” 10-11 am. See you there baabbyyy!!!
Attn GES Parents- Happy Monday!!!! Car rider tags are now available to be picked up at the Elementary School during normal school hours Monday-Friday. Due to all the construction please call when you are here and we will run it out to you. We would like to distribute these before open house. If you have any questions please email or call 479-521-2366. #GES
Wishing all our students and their families a safe and fun holiday! Happy Birthday America!
The Pirate Pantry is stocked! If you have a student to enroll for the fall, come on by and complete the paperwork so that you can visit the pantry as well! #WeServe